Everybody lies… politics and video on the web

Posted by Andrew Denner on October 03, 2008 · 2 mins read

Across the net It seems like everyone has their thoughts on politics. (Politics of course is derived from the word ‘poly’, meaning ‘many’, and the word ‘ticks’, meaning ‘blood sucking parasites’. (with appoligies to Larry Hardiman)) I figured I would throw my 2 cents in the ring and also give a roundup of some of the different news/commentary sources out there.

Hulu is the first stop with a full election “channel” Including full recordings of the debates, other speaches and political commentary. An important draw however is the comidy videos, including SNL, the Daily Show, and Stephen Cobert.

I found that the “fact checker” from MSNBC for last night’s VP debate was especially interesting… basically to sum it up, bolth sides told the truth, but not the whole story (as usual)

So… to sum it up, did they tell the truth? Yes… but….

Really in the end bolth debates haven’t helped sway my vote one way or the other…

I can’t wait to see what the SNL skit to come from the debates will be though, until then I guess I will just have to enjoy the Couric / Palin spoof

Finally other web media sites that are making an impact is Twitter’s election center which shows minute by minute what fellower twitters are tweeting about regarding the election.

Where would we be with out the old web standard of youtube also, I mean with out them the nuts would not have anyware to reach the public.

Update: Thanks to slashdot, two more links of interest. First apparently the New York Times has a interactive viewer for the debates including transcripts and a fact checker. Secondly Science News has an interesting set of recordings from the Taft Bryan debates of the turn of the century. This was before radio so the only way to hear them was to buy the recording on wax cyllander. Posted on