On Friday was my friend Chris Colvin (Froth)’s Birthday. His wife arranged a facebook meetup of some of his friends at Papa’s Corner here in Ames. Papa’s Corner was the spot as the band Poison Control Center (the band that played at Froth’s bachelor party) was playing that night.
This was my first time listening to PCC and my first time drinking in Papa’s corner. My recomendation for anyone listening to PCC is to bring your ear plugs! They like it loud and are a heavy indy group. My bigest complaint is that the Papa’s Corner Sound guy needed to back off the amp a little bit though as everything ended up sounding muddy as it was overdriving everything. Also to the trumpet in the band, it is not necessary to blow your trumpet directly into your vocal mic! (ouch). I think that PCC has a lot of potential as a band, however is one of those who are better to listen to recordings of.