My freshman year I had a roomate, lets call him chinstrap, who had a motto a family that drinks together stays together. Lets just say that chinstrap was drunk every Thursday through Saturday. In fact, you knew it was bad when your floor mates would stop you on the way home and say “hey you may want to check to be sure that chinstrap is still alive, he was prety messed up tonight!”
Well good old chinstrap has nothing on a Indiana family that recieved 4 DUI charges. CBS News reports that a mom got pulled over for speeding and was driving under the influance. The problem was her 1 year old son was with her, so the kids dad came to get him. Yep he was drunk too! Two other relatives that came were drunk and charged with OWI also before the non drunk Grandma was found (but she had been drinking also).
Wow, epic fail!