
Various talks I have given through the years

A Brief overview of Linux, or How I learned to stop worrying and love the penguin html October 16, 2013 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

A brief introduction to networking and the Internet html April 16, 2014 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

NTPD: All About time, or how to stop from going back to the future html October 21, 2015 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

Cron: Scheduling for fun and profit html October 21, 2015 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

HTTPD html March 16, Central Iowa Linux Users Group

IPv6-The ip address of the future, today April 20, 2016 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

Apache NiFi (PDF) September 21, 2016 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

Fail2Ban(PDF) December 21, 2016 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

VOIP Febuary 16,2017 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

Cygwin and .net core on linux July 19, 2017 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

An Intro to Big Data September 20, 2017 Central Iowa Linux Users Group video

Encrypt all the things! Febuary 21, 2017 Central Iowa Linux User’s Group

Tor onion services, or How I learned to stop worrying about my ip address and learned to love the tor July 18, 2018 Central Iowa Linux User’s group

Reverse Proxies and Load Balancers (HAProxy) Aug 15, 2018 Central Iowa Linux User’s Group

Raspberry Pi Tor Jump Server and Reverse SSH Jan 16, 2019 Central Iowa Linux User’s Group

Using LaTeX to make a Slide Deck: because powerpoint was too easyApril 18, 2019 Central Iowa Linux User’s Group Git Repo and Demo

Centos 8 October 16, 2019 Central Iowa Linux User’s Group (Video)

Desktop Manager Showdown (Slideshare) December 2019 Video

A brief intro to Ansible slideshare March 2020 (video)

Wireguard for fun and Network (slideshare)May 20,2020 (video)

Jupyter Lab (slideshare) (video) (repo) August 19, 2020 Central Iowa Linux User’s Group

Wireguard (slideshare) (evernote) (repo) October 22, 2020 St Louis Linux Users Group

Local Kubernetes For Dummies and Helm (slideshare) (evernote) (video) December 16, 2020 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

Ghidra, a Brief Intro (evernote) May 2021 Central Iowa Linux Users group</p>

Teaching an old blog new Tricks: From Wordpress to a Jekyll Static Page (evernote)(<a href=>video</a>) August 2021

Getting Git(slideshare)(youtube)(evernote)January 2022 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

IPV6 and Linux (evernote)Febuary 2022 Central Iowa Linux Users Group

Linux News for the month of April (evernote) April 2022 Central Iowa Linux User's Group

K3s and tailscale (evernote) January 2023 Central Iowa Linux User's Group